
Is your insurance up to speed?

best guide for finance

When it comes to life insurance advice, there’s never one right solution. There are many different ways to financially protect health and lifestyle.

The insurance portfolio a client opts for is based on a number of factors: suitability, affordability, and coverage. But if the person providing the advice is behind the times, their client can be left with substantial gaps in their insurance plan.

We often get “I’ve never heard of that before” or “my previous broker didn’t tell me about that” or “what’s the catch?” when we are discussing the following:

  • Reducing ACC levies for business owners
  • Updating specific ACC occupation classifications for business owners
  • Locking in premiums so they don’t increase with age
  • Income Cover that isn’t offset with ACC related claims
  • Income Cover that includes lump sum payments for injuries and illnesses
  • The ability to remove exclusions or loading from existing cover
  • Increasing Health Insurance excesses on an existing policy to reduce costs or free up premiums for other types of cover
  • Upgrading or increasing cover without the need for medical underwriting

Life insurance products are constantly evolving. Don’t get caught out with substandard advice and outdated products. Make sure you’re reviewing your policy on a regular basis and check that your adviser is up to speed with insurance product and industry changes.

Not sure if you’re covered correctly? Give us a call on 0800 346 765 and we’ll talk you through your options.

This article contains general information and does not take into account your individual requirements. Before making any changes to your insurance portfolio, please seek advice from a professional insurance adviser.


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